3 Best Ideas To Make Your Facebook Ad Targeting Better

3 Best Ideas To Make Your Facebook Ad Targeting Better

22 March, 2022lens8 min read

3 Best ideas to Make Your Facebook Ad targeting better

“Customers are the mirror of your brand and services…..”

November 9, 2021 was the day when META took such a decision that brought  the whole market of Facebook advertising in turmoil. On this day, META decided to remove some of the Ad targeting pointers from DETAILED TARGETING. This example proves that people are shifting more towards the domain of privacy that led the biggest platform of social media to take such a decision that may affect the business strategies of many of the organisations.

So, here Rannkly comes with highlighting ideas that will give you an edge to make your Facebook Ad targeting better even in these opposing situations. But there is a crucial point to note that targeting the audience is a continuous process. One Cannot sit idly even after a week! The marketer has to keep updating his target audience list and draw strategies to bring out the most possible outcomes. Right direction will never lose your money!

Since the marketer has to focus on his ‘audience’ to make their Ads successful, the first thing to note down is different categories of audiencesaccording to their understanding of your company or brand. 3 different categories of audiences are:-

1.Warm audience
2.Lookalike audience
3.Cold audience



These are the viewers and customers that know your organisation and brand already. We can say that they are your die heart fans and support all your products and services fully fledgedly. They follow you, like and give positive comments and receive services from your organisation for a long time. One can say they are the ‘saved audience’ as they are your regular customers.



They can be referred to as irregular audiences and visitors of your website and handles. They also visit similar pages and opt for the similar services that enables Facebook to segregate them in the separate field of Lookalike audience. For being a normal strength, there should be at least 1000 viewers in the lookalike list.



They are the users of Facebook for which we use Facebook Ad targeting. Targeting them is a big task and if it is achieved with detailed research and analysis then this can immediately double the profits. This is actually the task of any professional  marketer to draw the attention of customers towards THEIR SERVICES and THEIR BRAND with optimum attributes that the customer needs.


“Philosophy looks good only if it can fill the pocket with golden coins”


After understanding your business goals and visions; and analysing whole structure of the platform (facebook), the marketer can move forward to learn 3 important ideas to build a stronger Facebook Ad targeting tool:-


1.Research through Audience Insights 


Detailed research will not only give you a degree of doctorate but also good strength of followers and customers! Going through all the details of your potential customers is counted in research like what brands they follow, what are their hobbies, what kind of products they wish for.

The level of dedication and maturity among the customers also define their preferability and choices of services they wish for. This task can be handled by using Ads manager, Ad sets and campaigns. These all options are present under AUDIENCE INSIGHTS. It gives the user a wide area of opportunities to attract the desired audience and potential customers  through customisation. With specific keywords and their description, it also provides relevance in terms of ranking and affinity in form of percentage. To use this, follow these steps and build a long list of target audience for your future Ads:

1. Type business.Facebook.com/adsmanager on your browser.

2. A screen will open in front of you displaying you the three line icon named ‘Ads manager’ on the top left corner.

3. Click on the icon and a new screen will open in front of you.

4. Go to the ‘All Tools’ option present on the left corner.

5. Now click on the ‘Audience Insights’ option and move to another new screen.

6. You will see a Create Audience Panel on the left side of the screen showing you different options to target specific audiences like; country, age, gender, interest, connections, pages, people connected to etc.

7. After specifying your details to the target audience, you will see various details of your added content in the PAGE LIKES  screen on the right.

8. You will get details like relevance, audience, Facebook users and affinity percentage.

We can understand this Audience Insights through an example: suppose the marketer wants to target the “Rich Class” audience then he has to think of all the attributes related to rich people. These attributes can be reading books, investing, exercises, meditation and more. By adding these attributes in the audience panel, one can target in a much wider zone. Then they can find out which is more relevant information by their descriptions also. Then you can add those results in a list for future reference and use them to target through your Ads. when you represent your data to those whoNEED them , then only it can bring out expected outcomes.




Ad sets are the lists that you create who will be targeted while advertising or campaigning. It provides various setups that can help you to drive specific audiences that lay in that domain only. Lets see how it can be done:-

1. By going to the campaign option, choose the Ad sets option. A new screen will appear in front of the user.
2. Here you will find a very important option to work with, i.e, Detailed Targeting.

3. Here you can write anything that you want to target and see it deeply through various options available.

4. Audience is targeted on the basis of three main categories : Demographics, Interests and Behaviour.

5. Demographics can be related to someone’s qualification like graduation, master’s , doctorate etc. Interests can be different characteristics like hobbies, day to day activities, routine works, exploration etc.

If you are targeting an audience for say, Yoga, you will see different categories to make your list like yin yoga, brahma yoga and many others and can see your potential reach according to the 7 days click and 1 day view conversion video.


NOTE:-The potential reach to target an audience must be between 1 to 4 million people.

More data, more results” 

Thedetailed targetingoption under Ad sets has removed many targets as specified by Meta on november 9 2021. Many options related to health, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion and sexual orientation like LGBTQ etc. has been removed from targeting because they were found being hindering the personal details of the users of Facebook.

Though these options are not creating that disturbance to the privacy of the users but they were removed due to some issues regarding future reference. But still, it does not affect the targeting job on Facebook that much because there are many other alternatives to work with and they can target the broader sector of audience that suits your niche!




The list that we prepare under Ad sets are the customised version of the audience that is based on different factors. Lets see some of them:-

1. If any event is organised by the organisation then they can check how many have viewed the event on your different platforms and from there, anyone can track the popularity of the event and interested audience also.

2. One can check the views on the platforms and their pages and derive the statistics of how many have just visited the page or have done any activity like comment or like.

3. If your organisation is a product based company then one can specify how many have added the products in their cart and even done the payments also. This will help to look out for the demand of different products and can lead to much more productions like this.

4. How many purchases were there in the last month , last week or within a few days can also be checked and strategize the next deals accordingly.


5. Searches of your company on major platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter can also be used to target the new audience. This gives us a clear picture of our growth, demand and popularity.

Ads targeting on Facebook can also be done through a third party alliance. Don't worry, it's not a political or agreemental alliance! One can attract the audience through emails, sms, etc., to remarket their brand. Sustainability in this fast growing world is a tough task and in order to maintain it, companies have to keep remarketing them to their old and genuine customers to keep up their pace of producing better facilities and services.

This is done by adding identifiers in customising your audience. These options can be email, phone number, city, country, year of birth and many other such options.


The activity of each and every user is noticed to keep the software off the malfunctioning on Facebook. What pages they follow, what they are interested in, what they like and comment on are tracked down for analysing the preferences and interest of the people. All this data is collected without any violation of privacy standardised by Meta.

Hence the audience on Facebook is also targeted on the basis of their activity related to a particular page and particular website. Activities that are mainly preferred for targeting are:-

  • Who watched more than one video of a particular page and how many times they reached the video section of that page.
  • If there is any form mentioned by the organisation then how many have filled it and on what dates.
  • Who are those Facebook users who have interacted with you either through chat or video calls.
  • Who have viewed, saved or purchased the products of the company through Facebook or other selling platforms.
  • Who have followed your page, messaged you in live streaming, messaged through personal chat or engaged with the Facebook page in other ways.

These activities are completely analysed and formulated with a single error to give the complete status of performance of the organisation’s pages. This whole task is done under the surveillance of Meta softwares and leaves no scope for privacy interference.


You must be aware of the A/B testing method(if not a new visitor on this page) that creates two different versions that are to be tested and drives out which version is most suitable for upcoming plans.A/B testing can also be done through Ads manager by just following simple steps: Ads manager < Campaigns < Ads sets < Form the test < choose length of test.

Specifying the duration of the test is important to identify the winner version at the end. That version can further be professionalised and created with better features to fascinate more viewers and this leads to Facebook targeting by looking into the mindset of Page followers and viewers.

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