Fix Online Negative Reviews

7 Simple Methods To Fix Online Negative Reviews

13 June, 2020lens2 min read

7 Simple Methods to fix Online Negative Reviews

Businesses live and breathe around Online reviews and Star ratings. It may be the 1st negative review or hundredth online negative review. But it still feels like a sucker punch. And the saddening part is that it is virtually impossible to remove a review unless it's spammy.

Neglecting it is going to serve you nothing but further damaging your reputation. Not dealing with them properly can leave a bad impression on your customer's list. But take a deep breath and take a look at what Rannkly has to say about the seven possible ways to fix negative Online Reviews if you are struggling with it.

1) Question yourself if there is something else to be fixed or not

A valid negative review is a clear indication that your business lacks somewhere. But it can help you have a clear picture of where you need to focus more. Evaluate your business in light of taking criticism actively. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer to see from their point of view. After all, it's the criticism that makes anyone stronger.

2) Always respond

Remember that only a handful of customers comment, but hundreds of them scroll through the reviews. So whether positive or negative, respond to every review, comment or any advice or suggestions, if any. Your response should include apologizing phrases with the scope of improvement in the future. Voice your answer in such a manner that it impacts not only your present customers but also for your future clients and your business as a whole.

3) Don't paste Canned responses

Boilerplate responses don't seem good at all. Ensure that you are addressing the solution and scope for improvement in your response. Canned responses depict that you are replying just for the sake of optics and are not genuinely bothered about addressing your dissatisfied customers' concerns seriously. 

4) Dilute bad reviews by building good ones

Despite having no control over the feedback on review sites, you can still work on your weaknesses to improve your reputation. But don't use unethical approaches like soliciting reviews, encouraging your employees to give positive fake reviews. This will help you gain nothing over time. As mentioned earlier, use your critics as your strength. Solving negative reviews can help you analyze your business in a manner which you would have never thought about doing.

5) Acknowledge if you can't make any changes

It is quite probable that for a very long time, services can't be reproduced owing to the unavailability of products and materials. In those cases, be humble, be neutral, acknowledge it publicly, and apologize for the inconvenient experiences with the promise of doing better in the future. Be self-effacing and honest in your response.

6) If you have made it up, request them to reconsider the negative review.

A customer has the option to delete it, edit it or post a follow-up review that mitigates the original feedback. But there might be someone looking for a freebie that has promised to stay inclined in criticizing you regardless of your improvements. These people are rotten eggs for your company.  Simply stay silent, stand back, avoid returning fire, and see how it works. Going critical in your response will make you almost lose propositions. While there also are a handful of people who do reconsider their reviews if dealt with professionalism.

7) Improve your rankings where you look better

If you are clueless about fixing reviews on a particular site, grow up your rankings on the Otherside, this can work by linking positive review pages from the sites to your social media accounts and other review websites.

A bad review can be a real gut-punch for you and your flourishing business but you need to accept it as the wake-up call. Rannkly, an online review management tool, helps you fix all the negative reviews from different review sites, social media, and other digital platforms. Paying attention to the even lowest negative review, Rannkly enables you to bring the best out of your business with a dedicated effort.

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