8 Methods To Increase Engagements On Facebook Business Page

8 Methods To Increase Engagements On Facebook Business Page

17 January, 2022lens6 min read

8 Methods to Increase Engagements on Facebook Business Page

A Facebook business page enables you to share your unique brand story, build strong relationships with your customers and accomplish all your business goals. It is thus really important to have a Facebook business page. Also there are already more than 69 million businesses all across the world that have a Facebook business page. So what are you waiting for? Let's quickly walk through 8 of the best methods that you can make use of to increase the engagements on your Facebook business page but all without burning a hole in your pocket. 


1. Post Native Videos Directly On Facebook

Instead of posting content on your YouTube channel, consider posting it on your Facebook business page. This is an amazing social media marketing tool because when you post natively on Facebook, the video automatically starts playing the moment your followers scroll through their Facebook feed. It would constantly catch their eye and even before they get the time to contemplate about it, they would be already watching the video. 

PRO TIP - The secret is to keep your video as short as possible. 

Facebook videos that usually attract the most engagements are timed between 30 seconds to 2 minutes and the preferable video length is somewhere between 60 to 90 seconds only. So make sure to keep the duration of your video at two minutes or less.


2. Create Video Playlists and Carefully Optimize Your Videos 

Whenever you decide to share a video, always ensure to add a keyword rich title and an interesting description alongside. Also add tags to your video as this would in turn increase the probability of your video getting shown up in all other relevant feeds across Facebook. And once you start to gather a collection of SEO optimized, native Facebook videos, make sure to highlight them onto your playlists. This way, your user would get to see a lot more related videos even after they have watched the first one.

Another method to drive more engagements with higher number of video views is to carefully feature a video. This is also a smart social media marketing tool because if you choose a particular video to be featured on your page then it would automatically top the billing on the page.

3. Make Sure To Go Live Frequently

This is an amazing social media marketing tool as it truly takes your videos up a notch. We say so because when you decide to go live, your videos automatically shoot to the top of your followers Facebook feeds. Also in addition to this, users who have recently or frequently interacted with your page would get a notification, informing them that you are live. This sudden boost in the news feed along with those in-built push notifications are a great strategy for increasing your Facebook engagements. Once your live broadcast gets over, the video would appear on your Facebook business page and you can then continue to share and promote it on all your other social media networks.This is a great social media optimization service that you must make use of and go live as often as possible. 


4. Look For Facebook Insights For Data That You May Use

There are various types of social media marketing strategies but there is no one strategy that fits all.Businesses need to carefully implement social media optimization services to increase their engagements and one such social media marketing tool that brands use is to keep a tab on Facebook insights and to make a careful note of the content that your online audience was most interested and engaged in. Make sure to note not just the subject but also the format and once you gather all the essential information, then use that information and plan your ongoing Facebook business strategy accordingly.This is a clear sign of what your online audience exactly wants and you should carefully create such content that works along similar lines. 



5. Always Post Exclusive Content

This is another excellent social media review management technique that you must use to make your followers pay close attention to your Facebook feed. Make sure to always post content that is exclusive solely to Facebook only.For example - You may post special discounts on your Facebook business page or else release data of an upcoming white paper or a case study even before you decide to publish it on your business website. The key takeaway is to make all your Facebook posts count by carefully sharing the most exclusive content that users won't be able to find elsewhere. You may publicize about special discounts, ongoing contests, flash sales and more on your Facebook page. 


6. Have Interesting Engagements and Interactions

It is extremely important to regularly interact and engage with your online followers, irrespective of the social media network that you are making use of. This is an integral part of all types of social media marketing strategies as your online followers are the ones who actually increase your business. So whenever you get any message or comments, make sure to respond back as soon as possible. Offer interesting insights and guidance to your followers if they ask any questions or seek information regarding your business, and also don't forget to thank them if they praise your brand or business. 


If you happen to be a specialist social media manager then try to interact and engage with your online followers throughout the day or as much as your schedule permits you because this is truly a great social media marketing tool.However if you happen to be a business owner who is juggling multiple different roles, then make sure to set aside some side from your busy schedule just for your social media interactions. A solid one hour or even as little as 30 minutes a day can make a substantial difference for small businesses who wish to efficiently manage their social media interactions.


7. Take Complete Advantage Of User-Generated Content

If you ever find your brand mentioned or tagged somewhere, then wait no more and just make the most of it as this is excellent food for Facebook content. Whenever you get a great online review, quote and link it to your Facebook business page. Also if somebody has posted an amazing picture of your business even on their Instagram page then don't hesitate to contact them and send the poster a personal DM on their Instagram to thank them and to seek their approval for sharing the image on all your social media handles while also giving them the image credits. 


Your poster would most likely say yes and they would also love the fact that you personally thanked and interacted with them. Also if they were not previously following you, they would now definitely do so and you'll get an increased following right away! The trick here is whenever or wherever an online user mentions, tags, writes or reviews about your business positively, then you must take complete advantage of that content and share it on your business pages including Facebook. This is an awesome social media review management technique and you can even play a little smart by encouraging such user generated, organic content. You can do so by hosting interesting contests that would ask for image or video submissions related to your business.


8. Use Interesting Cinemagraphs

A cinemagraph refers to an animated photo. It is technically a video file that keeps playing automatically in a constant loop. It practically resembles a still image with very little pieces of movement. For example - an image of a woman at the beach with waves moving up and down in the background even though the foreground is absolutely still.

You should make use of interesting cinemagraphs as these are amazingsocial media marketing toolsthat can immediately catch the eye of your audiences as it would make your content stand out in the Facebook news feed. Stock photo sites such as Rannkly and Shutterstock have a huge library of cinemagraphs that you may make use of to take your Facebook posts to the next level altogether. And well that is all. If you follow all these above 8 techniques then your Facebook business page engagements would definitely increase without putting in any taxing efforts.

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