Better User Experience (Ux) On Website, Higher Online Reputation Score!!

17 May, 2022lens8 min read

Better User Experience (Ux) On Website, Higher Online Reputation Score!!

“If you find an element of your interface requires instructions, then you need to redesign it.”

(Dan Rubin)


Does your website create a good impression when a new user lands on it intending to get useful information he is searching for? Will your user be comfortable with a quick tour of your website or find it confusing and sceptical? The improvement in the User Experience comes with better graphical presentation, easy and comprehensive content, smooth navigation to different pages of website and optimising the website for mobile users. All these features leverage the online visibility that will make your users come back again and again!   


Well, this is the crucial and visual representation of your brand that must cater to the attention of your customers and potential conversions. Today, we will discuss this point in detail why the user experience must be great for any visitor on the website, and how it can be optimized for a better incident so that the user comes again and again.


Every company or a brand must take special measures to refine the presentation of their website so that it creates a clear impact on its viewers of what their services are and what they aim for. When a user comes to the website he/she must be able to navigate through the website effortlessly and access the information without any extra effort. This ultimately enhances the online presence of the website and people of the same niche visit repetitively to gather more knowledge.


Now let us first understand what this User Experience means for higher traffic on the website and a better rate of conversions?



In a layman's language, it is the overall experience of the person who visits a website for some information. This experience is calculated based on:-

  • How is it easy to find the desired information
  • How pleasing it looks when a new visitor comes to the site
  • How it delivers/explains the information stated on the website

“A design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.”

(Brenda Laurel)

In this era of evolving digital world, the first impression of any organization is created by its WEBSITE. Unconsciously, a new visitor or even a repetitive user judges the success and reputation of the brand based on its website. According to a recent report, any user who visits the website for the very first time takes only 5 seconds to form an opinion about the website or its brand.

So we can analyze that on average, a user takes very less time to understand the service of any company through its website. So, the website has to be fully optimized to deliver the information in a very efficient manner. It should be user-friendly so that even if a child visits a professional website, he could function on it without any guidance. Every feature of the brand must be clearly stated on the website and provide a detailed description of it simply and creatively.


If User Experience (UX) is smooth on the website then it ultimately pokes the psychology of the mind and delivers positive feedback for the website. Whatever a person experiences in his daily life, it gradually affects his mentality that later influences future decisions. 3 psychological features affect the mind of the user and then automatically affect their decisions also. So, what are these 3 psychological factors?





This is an effect that if a person sees some emotion in front of him then he starts behaving the same whether the emotion is happy, sad, or angry. This effect is related to the psychology of the human mind as when a person views anything on the internet he starts correlating to the emotion he sees. So any website designer needs to showcase such related emotions of the human that he/she can correspond to.



This is something that we call ‘herd mentality'.When a person finds others doing some action then he starts following it because he finds a valid point in following such action. He follows that action because others are following it. So that task becomes socially valid to copy. This is a reason why some of the websites show social proof on their first page because people find it socially acceptable if that activity is already done by other people.



This is one of the most important psychological factor but very less known facts of the human mind that every human reacts according to the colors they perceive. Every human reflects emotion according to the color they see. So, it becomes very important for every website designer to use those colors that represent the emotion they want to convey.


There are some of the key factors also that form the grounds for better UX of any website or even a product. The website holder must adhere to them to improve their social presence which ultimately affects the traffic on the website. Let’s see each of them separately:-





The content must be useful for the people, especially for the target audience. But it should not be equated only withhow easy it is to usethe website because there are many other factors also.



The content or the information shown on the website pages must help the user to achieve their goals and at least help them to gather the information they have come for.



The products and services that are depicted on the website must be trustable by the viewer or user. This is very definite because if the user can’t trust the website then how will he come back again to get the product?



If you are present in the market to sell something then surely many customers are also in search of that product. So, it is the responsibility of the organization to display its services on the website so that people can easily find them.



The organization must make the website desirable by appealing graphics and aesthetic presentation of the product and services. No person wants to go to any website that has no creativity on its front end and makes the person feel boredom after a few clicks only!



Anything present on the website must be accessible to a wide range of people. It should be created in such a way that a large population can gather information from it easily.



Every product must deliver some value to the user as well as to the business. The product is evaluated based on what value it serves to the individual as well as the society. So, this point must also be highlighted on the website.


Now let us discuss some of the methods to improve the User Experience on the website.





If your website takes more than 5 seconds to load completely then you will surely decline in your social presence and user experience rate. The speed must be as fine as possible because we are living in a very fast-forward world. If any platform lets us wait for some information then we lose interest in it very soon. One can check its loading speed along with improvement suggestions on websites like and Google Pagespeed.


When a visitor comes to your website then he must be able to navigate to different options and features of the website as smoothly as possible. For this, before creating the website, the designer can make the site map of the website with the following pointers:-

  • Home
  • About us
  • Product 1
  • Product 2
  • Blogs
  • Contact us, etc.



Make your users engage with your website and respond with their valuable opinions. So, there must be action-taking buttons present on the site that the user can act on either by just clicking, commenting, choosing, etc. Such actions can be taken through:-

  • Banners
  • Pop up boxes
  • Buttons
  • Links, etc.



If the website has content, products, or services details then they must be made sharable to other platforms also like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., the social share buttons must be present so that if the user finds the information useful for others or want to share it with their friends, family or business then he/she can share it easily.



The images used on the website must be of very high quality and resolution. Relevant images must be used according to the content otherwise people feel misguided and less worthy. And try to use as many pictures as possible on the website because people read the content that looks pleasing to the eyes!


Around 80% of the population view the content or any social media platform on their mobile device. So, the website must be created and deliver mobile-friendly information. The content must be visible accurately on the mobile phone and must look pleasant to the viewers. So the UX of the website must be designed in such a way that:

  • It optimizes for the lower attention span
  • It has more immediate speed because people using the mobile phone search for more quick information.



The spaces between, around, and within the content written (including the graphics) are called Negative spaces. These spaces must be used very efficiently so that they won’t look like vacant spaces but also mark some necessary spaces within the content. The user must be able to browse through the website without any constraints or hindrance. This is also a great point concerning the user perspective because the more the user finds the content easy-going, the more they find it comfortable to come again.



The website must offer detailed information on the website regarding their product and services in the form of blogs and articles. This is an important point to add to the website because manySocial media toolviewers are interested in the services and wish for a long-stretch description of the services.The best way to serve such viewers is through detailed content only. And don’t forget to use ample images to make the blog appealing.


Rannkly uses all these features to create many websites for their clients. This enables the clients to improve the User Experience on the website and attract more traffic on many other platforms also. Do you find this blog useful? Or do you think there are other methods also to improve the UX of the website? Comment down your valuable opinions and we will surely come back to have better communication on other effective methods. For more blogs, visit

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