Business To Brand: How Rannkly Builds Reputation

BUSINESS TO BRAND- How Rannkly Builds Exceptional Online Reputation Of These 5 Organizations.

22 July, 2022lens7 min read

BUSINESS TO BRAND- How Rannkly builds exceptional online reputation of these 5 organizations.

The success stroke behind every successful business is the continuoustrust and belief of its customers. A person is able to spread out the franchises and outlets of their business only if his/her organization fulfills even the basic needs of the customers with dedication and an emotional mindset. 


But even after establishing the branches/outlets of the business at different locations, most of the BIG EAGLES face thedeficiency of customers’ feedback, opinions, perspective, and genuine views about the organization and its services!!


This case study is focused on our5 such clientswho have been struggling with this issue. And even after spreading their businessin and out of India, this challenge wasdisruptingtheir online presence and leaving no scope to validate their good service. 


Our clients and their challenges


RADISSON HOTELS:-One of thebiggest luxurious hotel-chainwith about10 locationsall over India though had a very engaging connection with its customers but had to pay a huge sum of money ( around20000/-) for the software to manage its digital platforms. 


LITTLE ITALY:-Serving pioneeredItaliancuisines all over the world for the last3 decadeswith a count of75 locationsthroughout the globe!! Their big number of customers were satisfied with their services and used to give their happy feedback on various review platforms. But Little Italy had an obstruction in their smooth work of flow as they werenot able to respond toall of them as their organization receivesthousands of reviews daily.


BTW:-Serve delectable Indian cuisines in different states of India in about20+ locations. Though their food was highly appreciated by the customers, they werenot able to collect positive responses. They had no system to manage the reviews already collected as well as togenerate reviews from their genuine customers.


JAYPEE HOSPITAL:-Founded by Mr. Jai Prakash Gaur, established a great healthcare industry with3 big locations. This hospital had a big team for their digital management but still faced complexities due toscattered accounts, multiple platforms, multiple location management, etc. 


SANFORD SCHOOL:-Spread all over the world with around250 established schoolsat various locations. Being in the education sector, they were connected with the families of their students but had anaive system to collect the feedbackof students as well as from their families. 


The RIGHTdecision for a BRIGHTfuture


These organizations had no better choice than to learn on their own by keeping up their spirit high. What they could only do is create a big team that can manage different tasks and cooperates with each other to produce better efficiency in the work.


But is this a long-term solution for developing or developed organizations? They had many other questions in their mind:-


  • Even if they have a big team then will all the members provide their work with efficiency and personal accountability?
  • Is it worthwhile to pay thousands of dollars to buy a single software for digital management?
  • Can there be a single place to manage social media accounts as well as review platforms like Google, Zomato, Swiggy, Play store, Trip advisor, Make my Trip, Goibibo, etc.?
  • Can I ask my customers to give ratings and reviews on various platforms?
  • Can I save my time from doing repetitive tasks on social media platforms?




Dealing with all these obstructive factors, they get to know about the perfect solution for their problems. They heard about our product-Rannklythat was solving all of these issues along with the most advanced features. Since Rannkly was introduced in2021in the market, many big organizations have been using this tool to simplify their job witha better cost-benefit ratio


When our above-mentioned clients identified this tool as being used by many other top organizations, they decided to give it a try and contacted the sales team of our organization. 


Our sales team organized powerful Demo sessions for these organizations and explained each and every feature of Rannkly in detail. ThoughRannkly is a compact capsule of advanced features, the organizations were mesmerized by some of the key details of the product:-


1. The idea of a single dashboard system(the user can manage their unlimited amount of social media as well as review platforms fromONE SINGLEplace- aCENTRALIZED DASHBOARD).

2. Word-by-word analysis of reviews(get a detailed understanding of each review without actually reading it and find out the issues that concern the brand image on the public platforms). 


3. Sentiment analysis(get the meaning and feeling of the review through 2 AI tools-NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING SYSTEMandMACHINE LEARNING).


4. Smart replies(AI-driven content creation tool that can write the response to a review by reading the review on its own).


5. Automated response(automated response to the predefinedSTAR RATINGS).


6. AI suggestions for review response(Rannkly will provide some AI-generated suggestions for particular reviews that can perfectly answer the review).


7. Increase ratings and reviews(share the review links to genuine customers through email, SMS, or WhatsApp through predefined messaging templates).


8. Performance reports(Generate or schedule daily, weekly, or monthly performance reports to keep a track of social media campaign reach and engagement).


9. Multi-channel scheduling and publishing(schedule social media posts through a calendar or publish them all together on multiple platforms in one single click).


10. Free tools on the website(the user can use aReview analyzertool to analyze a particular review if he/she is not using Rannkly on a subscription. He/She can also use aReputation score calculatorto calculate the online reputation of their competitors and stay one step ahead in the competition).


11. WhatsApp chatbot for support(customers can solve their queries by raising their questions on WhatsApp).


12. Universal QR code(single QR code that is integrated with digital menus of organization, feedback or survey forms, review, and social media links, coupons and gift cards, payment UPI Ids, WhatsApp customer support, and other customizable features).




Price of the software (a SaaS-based product with starting prices- Rs. 700/-).   







BEFORE-This organization was payingthousands of rupeeson their digital management software along with deploying a team of 10 members to manage the work. They had an averageratingof3.9stars based on1000+ reviews. Their social media follower count was around1157with a daily engagement rate of2.3%.   


AFTER-Joined Rannkly on3 February 2022and within a few months, theirratingshad touched the number4.2with6343 reviews. It has a daily engagement rate of4.3%with8377 followerscollectively on all social media platforms. They were able to achieve it all ata 10 times lesser price, i.e, 1600/- only.





BEFORE-This organization had no proper system to manage its reviews and was receivinga 3.5-star ratingon the basis of489 reviews. Since they were not able to respond to the reviews, their count of reviews was decreasing gradually. Their social media followers were12Kwith a daily page visit rate of19%.


AFTER-Rannkly gave them a single dashboard management system witha review analysis featurewhen they joined on18 February 2022. Now, they can easily go through all the reviews and respond to all of them withautomated responsesandsmart replies. The ratings have reached 4.3with1533 reviews.Their follower count is22Know with a daily page visit rate of26%.




BEFORE-They were unable to get reviews from their customers because they hadno systemto do so. They hada 2.8-starrating on the basis of101K reviews. Though they used to send review links on the email Ids of their customers but could not do it consistently as they have put a lot of manual effort into doing this job.


AFTER-By subscribing to Rannkly inFebruary 2022, they have generated a huge amount of reviews on different review platforms. They have toucheda 3.8-star ratingon the basis of239K reviews. Now, they can generate reviews by sendingtext templates via email and SMSthat includes thereview linkalso.




BEFORE-With an average of3.0-starrating and1500 reviews, they were alsostruggling with a management systemthat can simplify their social media posting work. Due to this mismanagement, they had only2K followersin total. Their weekly impression count was only757and their daily engagement rate was3.7%.


AFTER-They started using Rannkly on8 February 2022and now their star rating has reached3.9with3779 reviews. They can now domulti-channel publishing as well as schedulingwith the dashboard of Rannkly. They are able to manage their social media accounts and review platforms together on Rannkly. 




BEFORE-Even though they had so many happy customers (students and parents), they wereunable to collect their feedbackand present those genuine opinions on public platforms. Due to this, they had onlya 3.2-star ratingwith only173 reviews. Theirsocial media engagement was also very lowdue to the mode of customer interaction and engagement.


AFTER-Sanford school joined Rannkly on8 February 2022and got the perfect software to fulfill their needs. They were able to generate335genuine reviews anda 4.5-star rating. They are also using theQR codeof Rannkly to get feedback and show details of new policies and winners of the competition in the school. 


Why only Rannkly?? (not its competitors)


There are4suchBIG FACTORSthat make Rannkly a better choice for every organization for its online reputation and social media management:-


1.Single dashboard for two domains (online reputation and social media)-Most organizations provide either review management features or tools to manage social media. But Rannkly can manage both the segments perfectly.


2.Multiple platforms and multiple location management-Rannkly is the only software on which the user canhandle all its business locationsand their correspondingreviewas well associal media platforms


3.AI tools to respond to reviews and content creation-Reviews can be responded to by automating responses, AI suggested templates, and through smart replies. A personalized response will be automatically generated by the AI technology for any kind of review. 


4.Minimum price in the world-Whereother companiesare charging250-300 dollarsfor its services,Rannklyis offering the same services for just20 dollars!!


If you are still here then surely you also have found your answer!! 


Your organization can also achieve commendable heights with the right decision to choose Rannkly. Connect with us for adetailed Demoor connect with us on call. You can exploreRannkly on your own on its website orYoutube.Get the daily update about Rannkly’s features on itsInstagram,Facebook,Twitter, andLinkedIn.

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