How Rannkly Can Help You Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts For Business

How Rannkly Can Help You Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts For Business

27 June, 2020lens4 min read

How Rannkly can help you manage multiple social media accounts for business
Managing multiple social platforms, along with different apps, can be time-consuming, inefficient and even frustrating. If you are still wondering, you're in the right place. In this blog, we'll inform you that how can you use Rannkly- a Social media management Tool in the easiest way to manage and monitor all your social accounts simultaneously.
Step 1: Connect all your social media platforms
The first step to managing multiple social networks is to connect your accounts to the Rannkly dashboard. You can add your Twitter, Facebook (profiles, pages, and groups), LinkedIn (profiles and pages), Instagram (business or personal accounts), YouTube and Pinterest account.
1. From your Rannkly dashboard, click your profile icon in the top right, and then head to Manage Social Networks.
2. To add a network of friends, click the Share a Social Network button.
Fill in your login credentials and click on the Sign In button. In case if you have two-factor authentication, enter the code sent to your mobile.
Step 2: Create a separate tab for each social media account
This is a much easier method to keep track of everything when you're managing multiple social media accounts.
1. From the Rannkly dashboard, create a new tab.
2. If you have more than one account on each social media, add the account handle here to keep your profiles organized.
3. Add streams to track all the information you want to handle for a particular social media account.
Step 3: Make a content library of affirmed resources for use on every single social platform
Making a content library is a successful method to guarantee that you have endorsed resources for sharing on any of your social platforms.
1. From the Rannkly dashboard, click the menu to open Publisher
2. In the top, click Content, and under Content Sources, click Content Library, at that point Make Content Library.
3. Name your library and snap Add Group to offer access to the opportune individuals within your association.
4. To add additional Content, click the library drop-down menu and click Upload.
5. Click Choose Files to upload, at that point, select your Content and click on Open and save.
Step 4: Make and sketch out social Content for all your social records
When you've associated your social records to Rannkly, you can make a timetable new Content straightforwardly from the Rannkly dashboard. Each time you make a post, you can pick whether to share it on one record just or to post it on numerous social records.
1. From the Rannkly dashboard, click New Post.
2. Pick at least one social profile on which to share the Post.
3. Enter your Content, including pictures and hashtags. In the event that you've set up your content library, you can discover endorsed resources there. On the off chance that you don't have a fitting picture, you can pick one from the provided media library of free illustrations.
As you make the Post, Rannkly will show you how it will show up in front of the viewer, so you can ensure how the Content looks extraordinary all over. At the point when you're content with your Post, click Post Currently to share the Content immediately, or schedule for later to share the Content sometime in the future.
Step 5: Audit and deal with your social distributing schedule
When you've made a few posts, you can audit your presenting plan on ensuring everything is very much organized across accounts.
1. From the Rannkly dashboard, click the menu to open Publisher.
2. Survey your social posts in the intuitive schedule. You can decide to see all the posts you've booked for every social media record or to see the planned posts for each system independently.
In the event that you need to change the planning for any of your social posts, you can essentially move them to an alternate date or time.
Step 6: Interact with your audience across social channels
In case you're not utilizing programming to deal with numerous internet based life accounts, it's very conceivable that you'll pass up key chances to draw in with your crowd. Yet, when you have all your social connections in a single spot, it's anything but difficult to react to the entirety of your fans and supporters.
You can likewise utilize Rannkly to relegate open and private social messages to other colleagues. You'll generally have the option to check whether somebody is attempting to get in touch with you through different social channels, so you can try to give a positive reaction.
When you've set up your social records and streams in Rannkly, you'll see all audience commitment over your profiles legitimately in your streams.
The best streams to check for commitment openings are My Posts/Tweets, Notices, and Messages.
1. In MyPosts/Tweets, search for crowd commitment with the Content you post, including preferences and offers. For systems that permit remarks, you'll see those as well. You can likewise check who has retweeted your posts.
2. In Notices, you'll see posts in which different clients have labelled you. You can like these posts legitimately from the Rannkly dashboard. In the event that the Post was made on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, you can answer legitimately inside the stream, or send the client an immediate message. You can likewise reshare the Post or add the client to a Twitter list.
3. In Messages, you can see and react to guide messages sent to your Facebook business Page. Snap the bolt close to the message to grow the discussion, at that point type your reaction in the Include an answer box at the base.
Step 7: Audit and report on all your social channels
In any case, you need a unified image of your social endeavours; an investigation program is an ideal approach to deal with various social media for business objectives and analyzing.
1. In the Rannkly dashboard, click on Rannkly Analytics.
2. Click on Post Execution in the left menu for a review of every one of your posts indicating measurements like Clicks, Comments, Reach, Shares, Video reach, etc.
3. Click on Reports to make visual reports that you can alter and share. There are formats that permit you to make reports rapidly.
4. Arrange the tiles in the report to show the information in the most appropriate manner for your association. You can make separate reports for various groups, or for your customers.
5. Download the report or offer it straightforwardly with colleagues inside Rannkly Analytics. This permits colleagues to work together on your reports.
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