How Review Report Metrics Help Businesses To Build Good Reputation

How Do Review Report Metrics Help Businesses Build A Good Reputation?

20 January, 2024lens6 min read

How do Review Report Metrics help Businesses build a Good Reputation?

In today's digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in shaping the reputation of your business. Whether you run a small restaurant, a computer software company, or a chain of Hotels, potential customers are likely to search for information about your brand online.


To evaluate how your brand is perceived, check popular review sites such as Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, and other social media platforms. Customers share their experiences, giving you insights into what makes your business great or highlighting areas that may need improvement.


Understanding the sentiment of these reviews is vital for managing your online reputation. However, with numerous reviews scattered across the web, it can be overwhelming. This is where an onlineReview Reportcomes in handy. It consolidates information, providing you with a clear picture of how your brand is viewed online. It's valuable to help you stay on top of your online presence and address any concerns raised by customers.


Why are Online Reviews Important for Businesses?


According to a study, nearly 98% of customers read online reviews for local businesses on at least an occasional basis.

Post-COVID-19, 28% of online consumers check business reviews more frequently than before.

A substantial 82% of consumers research products online before making in-store purchases.

Let's dive in and explore why they are crucial for the success of a business in the online world.

1.Understanding Customers:Online reviews are like direct messages from customers telling us what they think about a business. They share their experiences, showing us what's great and what needs attention.


2. Making the Business Look Good:Good reviews are powerful recommendations. They don't just make a business look good; they also bring in new customers who trust the positive experiences shared by others.


3. Turning Problems into Progress:Bad reviews, though not easy, actually help a business grow. They point out where things can get better, giving the business a chance to improve and meet what customers expect.


4. Building Trust:Trust is super important in business relationships. When people see positive reviews from real customers who like a business's products or services, it makes them trust the business more.


5. Smart Decision-Making:Before buying something or using a service, people often check online reviews. It's like getting advice from others who already tried it. Reviews help people make smarter choices.


6. Being Good in the Digital World:Nowadays, everything is connected online. Reviews play a big part in how people see businesses. Keeping good reviews is not just about advertising; it's a big deal for the whole success of a business in today's digital world.

For businesses, making it easy for customers to share their thoughts is crucial. Simplify the way customers give feedback! KnowingHow to Get Reviewsfrom your customers is good for your business. And, if you manage those reviews well, it helps improve your online reputation based on what customers say.

What is Review Management?


review management is keeping tabs on what people say about your business online.


Review Managementis keeping tabs on what people say about your business online. Whether it's on websites or social media, it's crucial for any business, no matter its size, to pay attention to these reviews.


The idea is to have a plan in place where you look at all the reviews, understand them, and respond when necessary. It's kind of like taking care of your online reputation. If you do this well, you can handle any not-so-great reviews and make sure the positive ones get the attention they deserve. It's all about making your brand look good in the online world!


What is a Review Report?


rannkly review report.

A Review Report is a summary or document that gathers and analyzes information from various customer reviews about a product, service, or business. It provides insights into how customers perceive and evaluate the offerings, highlighting both positive aspects and areas that may need improvement. Essentially, it's a consolidated overview of what people are saying about a business based on their experiences shared through online reviews.


Rannkly Review Report:


The Rannkly Review Report is a handy tool that summarizes a business's reviews from various platforms in one comprehensive document. This document carefully gathers and analyzes information from diverse customer reviews about your product, service, or business. It gives insights into how customers perceive and evaluate your offerings, highlighting both positive aspects and areas for improvement.


Rannkly provides business Online Review Reports in three categories:


1. Review Statistics:


rannkly review statistics report


1. Number of reviews on platforms (Zomato, Agoda,Google).

2. Analysis of sentiment and ratings.

3. Number of replied reviews.

4. Rating distribution on each platform.

5. Trends in platform ratings.

6. Complete review data on platforms with customer names, dates, and star ratings.


2. Review Analysis:


rannkly review report review analysis


1. Total number of categorized reviews.

2. Further classification into positive and negative mentions of a category.

3. Categories are based on aspects like service, food, and accommodation.

4. Subcategories like customer service, food service, etc.

5. Analysis of reviews for negative and positive mentions, presented separately.


3. Staff Analysis:


rannkly review report staff staff mentioned in review.


1. Number of staff mentioned in reviews.

2. Names of all staff.

3. Complete review data for each staff, including reviews, dates, customer names, and star ratings.

How to generate a Review Report in rannkly:

Here's a simplified guide on how to generate a review report on Rannkly:


Step 1:Visit your Rannkly Dashboard.


Step 2:Click on "Reports".


Step 3:Choose "Generate New Report".


Step 4:Select your preferences, such as time range, format type, or the specific report you want.


Step 5:Click on "Generate Report".


For a step-by-step tutorial on generating a review report, check out the Video link provided.

Click here to watch the video

Rannkly free tool: Calculate Your Company Online Reputation Score


A reputation Score is a numerical representation of the online reputation of a business or entity.

A Reputation Score is a numerical representation of the online reputation of a business or entity. It is calculated by analyzing reviews and feedback from various online platforms, providing a comprehensive assessment of how the business is perceived by customers and the public.


Why Opt for a Reputation Score?


Global Insight:Grasp your business's standing on a global scale.

Platform Analysis:Understand how reviews from all platforms contribute to your score.

Free and Easy:Accessible to all businesses without any cost.


Explore your business's online standing with Rannkly's latest feature – the'Reputation Score'calculator. Gain a comprehensive overview of your global ranking by analyzing reviews from diverse platforms, all for free.



An OnlineReview Reportbecomes a crucial tool in managing this wealth of information. It consolidates and analyzes diverse customer reviews, offering businesses a clear understanding of their online perception. The importance of online reviews is highlighted by statistics, showing that a significant percentage of consumers regularly read and rely on these reviews for decision-making.


Rannkly's Review Report proves to be a valuable resource, categorizing reviews into key aspects such as Review Statistics, Review Analysis, and Staff Analysis. This comprehensive tool allows businesses to not only gauge their online reputation but also understand the sentiments and opinions of their customers.



1. Why are online reviews important for businesses?


Online reviews provide direct feedback from customers, helping businesses understand what they excel at and where improvements are needed. They also serve as powerful recommendations, influencing potential customers.


2. What is a Review Report, and why is it valuable?


A Review Report is a summary of customer reviews, offering insights into a business's strengths and areas for improvement. It provides a consolidated view, making it easier for businesses to manage and enhance their online reputation.


3. How does Rannkly's Review Report categorize information?


Rannkly's Review Report categorizes information into Review Statistics, Review Analysis, and Staff Analysis. This breakdown helps businesses analyze sentiment, ratings, and specific staff mentions for a comprehensive understanding.


4. What is a Reputation Score, and how is it calculated?


A Reputation Score is a numerical representation of a business's online reputation. It is calculated by analyzing reviews and feedback from various platforms, providing a global perspective on the business's standing.


5. Why should businesses use Rannkly's Reputation Score tool?


Rannkly's Reputation Score tool offers a global insight into a business's standing, analyzes reviews from all platforms, and is accessible to businesses at no cost. It helps in making informed decisions to boost online presence.

6. How can businesses generate a Review Report using Rannkly?


Generating a Review Report on Rannkly is simple. Visit your Rannkly Dashboard, click on "Reports," choose "Generate New Report," select your preferences, and click "Generate Report." A step-by-step tutorial video is available for guidance.


7. What formats are available for Rannkly's Review Reports?


Rannkly's Review Reports are available in two formats: PDF and XLSX (Excel). Businesses can choose the format that best suits their needs for easy sharing and analysis

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