How To Create A Business Facebook Page Without Creating A Personal Account

How To Create A Business Facebook Page Without Creating A Personal Account

23 June, 2020lens3 min read

How to Create a Business Facebook Page Without creating a Personal Account

Have you been scanning the Search engines for an approach to make a professional Facebook page without having a personal Facebook account? You may have not discovered an answer in light of the fact that tragically, it's unrealistic to make a Facebook Business page without making a personal page first.

Facebook can be an unimaginably amazing asset for your small sized company. Facebook's strategy has changed and it no longer permits this. Be that as it may, there's no need to be worried about your privacy. You're ready to keep your expert business page open and your private page discrete and private from each other.

Why Your Business Ought to Be On Facebook

  • Almost 1.5 million clients sign in to Facebook consistently.
  • During a single month, 2.27 billion individuals use Facebook.
  • One fourth of Earth's population has a functioning Facebook account.
  • 70 percent of Facebook users check their pages and check their page daily.

But if you are terrified of your own data being on the web and need to keep it private, there are approaches to make the privacy of your own Facebook profile safe. In the event that you are prepared to start a Facebook page for your business, Rannkly is here to help you out.

1: Make a Personal Facebook Account

  • Choose Your Facebook Name

It's against Facebook's terms to pick a name other than your very own name. But if you have a normal name and want to stay anonymous, this can be effortlessly accomplished. Even if you have an uncommon name, don't surrender. You can change your security settings to make your public appearance less visible. You can impose restrictions on who can discover you through Facebook.

  • Fix Your Settings

When your new profile page is ready for action, click on your General Account Settings which can be done from the upper right-hand corner of your Facebook page. You'll discover a Security option in the navigation bar. Clicking this will permit you to customize your privacy as per your convenience.

Friend Requests

This is where you'll allow different users to send you friend requests. Your choices will range from no limitations (everybody) to permitting no friend requests at all.

Who Can View Your Friends?

Basically select "only me" in this section to keep your Friends list hidden. This will shield your Friends from being exposed to different users.

Who Can Find You?

Here, you'll have the option to modify who can search for you using your email or telephone number. You may choose "everybody," "Friends of Friends," "Friends," or "only me." Picking "everybody" will mean anybody can search for you by means of Facebook's Search engine.

In case you're searching for someone with more privacy, you can proceed to consider choosing "Friends of Friends." This implies you will be accessible just to the individuals who are Friends with your current Friends.

For more privacy, you can make that data accessible just to those you're Friends with on Facebook. In case you're hoping to hide the data entirely, select "only me." Even though the data will be stored in Facebook's information, it won't be accessible to any other individual, not even your friends.

Could Search engines Return Your Data in Results?

A huge number of people don't prefer search engines restoring their data during routine inquiries. Hoping to hold your privacy and keep your own Account separate from your business page? Try not to let Search engines return your data.

To confine search engine access to your Facebook page, go into your security settings. From that point, you will have the option to turn off search engine returns under the "Who can find me" subheading.

  • Extra Settings

While not Accounted under privacy Settings, you'll need to think about some other significant zones you can control from your Account Settings.

  • Timeline and tagging—this is the place you'll choose who and how individuals can write on your timeline. You can likewise control who tags you in pictures and posts, further ensuring your privacy.
  • Blocking—you can shield yourself on Facebook's platform from individuals who might deliberately hurt or hamper your business and its reputation.

2: Make Your Business Page

The following step is to get your business profile fully operational.

If you know somebody you believe who will append their personal page to your business page, you can go ahead. Unless you're recruiting a business manager, learn about Facebook through the direct experience which can assist you with better use to facilitate your business objectives.

As enticing as it might be, don't attempt to start a personal page for your business. It's against their policies and can be taken down by Facebook. The business pages are planned specifically for organizations and provide  advantages and points of interest that are not accessible with a personal page.


Try not to spare a moment—stop by the login page and sign up now. Facebook can be an unbelievable tool to shoot up your business to meet your expectations.You will definitely love the sort of perks and benefits Facebook Business pages can give you and your business.

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