Rannkly’s Working Culture- 5 Days Of Work Per Week But 24*7 Customer Service!

23 May, 2022lens8 min read

Rannkly’s Working Culture- 5 Days Of Work Per Week But 24*7 Customer Service!

“Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work.”

(Joshua Osenga)


Corporate life is a tough road to survive when employees have to maintain an equilibrium in their work as well as life. Then how Rannkly, a newborn startup is scaling well in its field by providing good and timely customer support as well as a healthy working environment to its employees? Today, in this blog, Rannkly will share some notes from its day-to-day life which is all about great time management and targeted achievements of defined tasks. 


Whenever there is a startup, the company works in a multi-dimensional manner so that it could grasp more ideas and satisfy its customers with regular support if facing any issue with the product or service. And sometimes hustling all the time declines the proficiency of the work because the mindset of the organization changes from “providing best” to “just completing on time”. This is one of the major consequences of mismanagement of time along with other harms to the functionality of the organization.


Rannkly, being a startup and pioneer of doingsocial media managementandonline reputation managementat one single dashboard, finds many restraining paths where the execution of the task may come to halt due to the 5 days working system in the company. But due to this very reason, it managed each segment of its work with efficiency and management so that no one felt either overloaded with work or vacant of tasks within the week. This has been made possible due to the participation of each member of the organization and taking responsibility for their work. Along with this, we are standing at such a stage of advanced technologies that we can train the machines and enable AI-based softwares that can work even if we are sleeping! Let’s understand the working structure of the organization and how it manages all the tasks as a whole!



At present, Rannkly comprises 4 major teams to divide its labor and their roles and responsibilities accordingly. Since every team handles completely different tasks, their schedule also varies but only according to the availability of the working members of the team. The 4 pillars (teams) of Rannkly are:-




Though people majorly believe that a team handling technological parts is only concerned with the development of the software or the app and then they have to worry about nothing. But their role is not just limited to creation. Every member of the development team goes through different sets of right codes, creative representation of the developed software, hundreds of testing, and then finally executing their idea into reality.


All the members of the team work 5 days a week where they not only develop the required software but also handle the issues of customers and solve them as soon as possible. Though their response time is not defined they coordinate with the operations team to provide the solution within a limited frame of time.



The software and dashboard developed by Rannkly are handled and promoted by the marketing team of the company. From creativity, time management, and consistency to effectiveness, marketing leads in every sector to transform their clients’ companies into brands. Every member needs to be highly active and creative in each of its defined tasks whether it is content writing, content designing, managing SEO, analyzing the growth rate, or leading the whole team.

Though the promotion cannot be just limited to the 5 days of the week, hence they took the assistance of technology here. The dashboard of Rannkly has an option to schedule posts where the user can create the whole content and schedule it for the day it has to be published. For example:- If a post has to be published on the New Year of 2023 then it can be created and scheduled today only. It will get automatically posted on the set date and time.


This team can be considered synonymous with enthusiasm and zestfulness. They are the people who constantly talk with different companies and explain Rannkly’s features. Their work must be duly praised as they have to handle this task on one extra day of the week. They come to the office 6 days a week but then they have to spend less time than others in the office on all 6 days (especially female employees).


Their expertise in communication skills is highly appreciated by other teams as well as the founders of the company. They are given complete authority to work according to their flexibility. If they wish to connect with people on the call or with people in person then they can opt for any of the choices. This team is the driving force of the organization which is always present on its foot to include more and more companies in the Rannkly’s circle. 



The function of the Operations team is to work both on the back-end as well as front end. This team has to directly connect with the customers and handle their daily issues with limited time of processing and a higher rate of accuracy. Their job is basically to support the customers in every domain they are facing the issue. So, such a task is defined into two categories, onboarding the clients by connecting all of their platforms (social media and reviews) and listening to the problems faced by the clients. 


So their tasks are defined according to the days and that is informed to the clients also that when they can address their issue and till what time frame they will receive the optimum solution for it. The team members do coordinate with the new clients also about how they can first attach their platforms to the dashboard. Whichever platforms are connected to the dashboard are informed through email and those which are not connected are also informed. The issues of the customers are undertaken through customer support and also informed through emails. This system keeps the customer as well as the employee informed and connected throughout the process. 



The notion of working 5 days a week and supplying all the necessary information to the clients may look very inefficient due to fewer hours available for activity. But the principle behind working only 5 days a week is very transparent and quite practical. Choosing a 5-day working system over 6 days working has seen a 0% decline in the profitability of the company as well as:-

  • 2 days of work off to build creativity and new ideas
  • Adopting better technology to operate repetitive jobs of human beings
  • Complete flexibility to the employees to work according to their comfortability
  • No increase in the working hours due to 5-day working shifts
  • Female employees are specially taken care of so that they can give equal time to their work as well as family



A person who is working in a corporate sector has to spend a minimum of 8 hours a day working 6 days a week. But here in Rannkly, efficiency matters more than the count of working hours. So the members who are coming for 5 days spend approximately 8.5 hours in a day full of creativity and those who are coming for the 6th day spend 8 hours in a day.


But since there are female employees also, they are exempted from the 8 hours of the work shift and they can define their daily tasks according to the time available to them.



After the COVID and LOCKDOWN situations, many companies have realized that 100% availability of the employees may not be necessary as some work profiles can manage their work from home also. And if people are aware of their duties and responsibilities then they can easily manage their work from home for some of the days of the month. So, this organization has kept no strict boundations to come to the office for work. If there is an emergency from the employee’s side then he/she can operate from home and inform his team about the progress of its task. 


The emergency can be medical, weather conditions, urgency at home, or can be a simple wish to work from home for a day if the employee feels comfortable at home. In this fast-tech world, everyone is so well connected that a loyal individual can work smoothly and those who only play by working hard can easily be asked for their accountability. 



Paid leaves are similar to any other corporate company in India. There is a structure of 2 paid leaves- Sick leave and Casual leave (also called CL). There is only a 5 working day system for the employees. Other than this, there is also a system of half days where if the employees come after a specified time, they will be considered working for half-day only. But 3 half-days are allowed for them where the employee can also opt for work from home if he/she is not capable of coming to the office. 


Those employees who are coming from a very long distance are also taken special care of. They are allowed to leave on time strictly (before time also for women) even if their work is not completed due to some other reason. People can also leave before time if there is an emergency at their home by informing the concerned person. Though such exemptions may look odd to someone outside the organization, such issues never affect the working efficiency of the employees.

For example:-Think of a situation where an employee was not allowed to leave on time due to some medical emergency. And then he took 2 consecutive leaves as he fell extremely ill due to no timely treatment. This will be a loss for both companies as well as employees. 



Rannkly has developed such a technological output that not only advances the social media working of other companies but also its marketing strategies. One such example of technological brilliance is thesocial media management toolof Scheduling Posts.


Anyone who is using this feature can work ahead of his time and plan out his schedule before time. The user can create content for the social media posts and schedule them for a specified date and time. This gives the creator the flexibility to work one day(s) before the actual date of publishing the content. 



Rannkly is moving ahead with the philosophy of quality work rather than piling up unnecessary quantities of useless options. So, to bring out more efficiency, we are going to develop a Ticket Management System that will help to route various tickets raised by the customer regarding different issues to the correct person, department, or authority. 

Comment down your views on your daily time management routine. For more blogs visit rannkly.com

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