Secrets To Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Amazing Secrets To Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

08 June, 2022lens7 min read

Amazing Secrets To Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

“The greatest success in the field of web development is when tremendous information can be fit into 5 inches of screen.”

 (Yashu Raghav)


Statistically, 68.1% of the website visits have come from mobile phones, and the remaining from devices like laptops, tablets, and desktops by the 2020 report. This data is enough to act as an eye-opener and make us realize that there is a great demand for users to visit websites that are mobile-feasible and optimized to provide quick and simple information. So, why and how must the website be built as a mobile-friendly site?  Today, we will share with you some amazing points (which can be called secret ingredients) to optimize the website to become mobile-friendly.

Mobile phones have become very accessible and affordable to people which is why they prefer to get their information on mobile phones rather than on big screens of laptops and computers. Hence, the maximum traffic on the websites comes from mobile phones as people reach out to various platforms to gather information on thishandy Mobile tool.

But in 2015, Google took a big step to change its search engine algorithms by introducing a new update called MOBILEGEDDON. According to this update, if any of the websites is not mobile-friendly then it will not appear in the Google search. This major step was taken because of the high usage of mobile phones for extracting information from various useful websites.

If we ponder over digital marketing, few websites provide social media management tools andonline reputation management tools. Such tools help in the better management of businesses by increasing their online presence. But such tools will only be effective if they could optimize the website content for mobile users also. If the visibility of the website is improved on the mobile phones then it can help to derive:-

  • More leads
  • More social presence
  • More shares
  • More reach

To create a mobile-friendly website, the website designer must audit their website thoroughly to check where they lack in their goal of creating optimized websites for mobile users. While auditing, there are a few points to be taken care of:-


  • MOBILE HEADER:-This is the horizontal bar structure present at the top of the website on mobile phones. The spacing of this header must be very appropriate otherwise it can hide other important content also. If the website is optimized for mobile phones, then the header space won’t affect the remaining content and if the website is not prepared for mobile phones primarily then it leads to difficult navigation of the website.

  • EASY NAVIGATION:-All the key points of the website must be very clear so that the visitor can reach his/her required information easily. Since the mobile screen is very small, it is very difficult to grab all the information in one go! Hence the website must be prepared very simply so that it can be easily navigated by a new visitor also.
  • SIMPLE TEXT:-Wherever the text is written, it must convey the information in very simple words and comprehensive language. Whether the website user is an expert or naive, he/she must be able to understand the website’s message and services easily. The text should not only be simple but also attractive so that it can catch the attention of potential visitors.
  • MENU NOT IN PDF FORMAT:-Menu is one of the most visited sections of the website either on mobile phone or desktop. Hence, it must contain the most important information about the website and organization in a very precise and concise manner. It should not be placed in PDF format but in a more illustrative format with subheadings and a very brief explanation.
  • PLACING OF CTA’s (CALL to ACTION):-The placing of CTA buttons is very crucial to receive a reaction from the visitors where the organization wants to receive their input. If the CTA buttons are placed in a visually unclear location then there is a higher possibility to receive very less actions. So, such links and buttons must be located on the top screen of the website and at the bottom also. There should be enough hyperlinks where the visitor can click and reach the desired page of the website.


We have understood and have to this point very clearly that a website can only grow and reach the maximum population if it is feasible on mobile phones. A mobile-friendly website can increase the reach of the website and its organization by 50%. And this is not a small number! So, those organizations who have just compressed their sites to make them visible on phones need to work more so that the websites become optimized for the mobiles and deliver the same amount of information in a new design format. Now, let us discuss the most interesting secret points to optimize the website to become mobile-friendly:-



First of all, what is responsiveness? This is a process of changing the layout and design of the website in terms of the size of the screen that varies from laptop to tablet, and desktop to mobile phone. This process is also called Adaptive designing. This includes the modifications made in the width and height of the website to make it workable on the little screens also.Web browsers can easily detect the source of the visit to the website. And irrespective of the website, the maximum visit is from mobile phones only. Due to the higher user percentage on mobiles, the content based on SEO also gets a higher ranking in the index through more shares from the people. So overall, the website receives better reach if it is created responsive for mobile phones. This upgrade can be done by regular testing of the website and inducing better features into it.



To make the content visible on the website, time plays an important role. The less time the content takes to get visible, the more the website becomes mobile-friendly. The content can be improvised for the phones through 3 very simple processes:-


MICROCOPY:-This is a very small text targeted and contextual that provides very specific information to its readers. Such texts are highly preferred by the readers because they don’t include unnecessary content.

  • PROGRESSIVE DISCLOSURE:-The text has to be presented in such a format that it doesn't break the focus or distract the reader. People tend to read that text more because it works as a story and creates interest for the viewer.
  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION:-Important information must be present at the top of the website so that viewers can see the main services and products of the organization first.



Mobile screens are already very small and if the font size is not kept visible enough then it won’t entertain the viewer for a long time. So, to make the services and other information visible on the website on the 5 inches screen of the mobile phones, then font size must be considered very sincerely.  And not just the font size but the font style also matters on the website. For example- if the website provides services then its text style must be very clear and simple but if any organization wants to attract the youth then it can experiment with different font styles. The normal font size that is to be used on the website must be around 14 pixels or larger. This is the most common font size on mobile phones but it can be changed according to the requirements of the website. Similarly, the content written on the buttons must be visible and leave a good amount of space for the viewer to click on them. The buttons can also be differentiated by highlighting colors. This makes the viewers click more on the CTA buttons.  



Most website owners apply the formula of KISS, which means “Keep It Simple Stupid”. This is only a quirky way to explain that the website must be kept very simple to make the viewer of every age, gender, or designation easily understandable. The word “SIMPLE” here signifies that the text and images related to it must connect without any compromise on innovation and technology. The text aligned must be accurate with reference to the overall space of the website on mobile phones. The presentation of images, videos, and text written about them must go on in sync that lacks no margin for confusion about the services and products of the organization. There is one more benefit of making the website simple, i.e, it takes very less loading time. Here, again, the concept of time applies. The more time the website consumes to load, the less interested the user becomes. So, it should be kept a high priority to decrease the loading time of the website by creating a simple and comprehensive website for desktop as well as mobile users.



No change is permanent in the digital world. So, if any change creates better visibility on the internet today, it may not create the same visibility after a few years, this is so because the priorities of the people change day by day. So, whatever the change has been made to the website to make it mobile-friendly must be regularly checked to make improvements if needed anywhere. Since most of the social media tools are offered by different organizations, they also offer website services to make the website visible more on mobile phones. New ideas can be implemented to grow the business ahead of the competitors. Every innovation comes with a lot of hard work but also with a lot of growth and profit in the business. So, the idea to create a mobile-friendly website should be taken forward to build more reach for the business platform.

So, do you like this idea for your website? What are your opinions on creating such aSocial media platform? Comment your views in the comment box and let us be enlightened with your amazing ideas.

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