Stress Midst The Covid Pandemic?

How To Eliminate Social Stress Midst The Covid Pandemic?

07 July, 2021lens5 min read

How To Eliminate Social Stress Midst The Covid Pandemic?

5 Tips to Vanquish Social Stress Midst The Covid Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic that was primarily identified in December, 2019 in Wuhan, China has rapidly swept across the globe, thereby evolving as one of the most daunting and deadliest pandemics in history, with more than 183 million positive cases, and 3.97 million unfortunate deaths that have been attributed to this vileCorona Virus disease, as of July, 2021. 

This ongoing epidemic, that still doesn't seems to cease, has indeed destabilized and shaken our global economies, causing sudden and extremely severe recession, job loss and food crisis, but most importantly, this virus has confined us all within the four walls of our house, distancing us from our near and dear, and that has therefore triggered grave and unfathomable stress wherein innumerable individuals have succumbed under the fear and pressure of the sudden, unprecedented lockdown. 

This pandemic, that has indeed been the costliest in human history has taken a toll on our mental health, engulfing us all under its extremely frightening blanket, thus leaving us all worried and in a state of complete anguish and distress. It is however important to note that while we are all talking about the immediate health perils that accompany the Covid Virus disease, there is still a dark cloud around the unsolicited social and mental stress, that happen to be the most alarming additional troubles that have paved their ways into our lives midst the scary pandemic.

However you need not to worry any further as this detailed blog would sure help you vanquish the Covid blues, while making the most of your lockdown time. 

We sincerely hope that you not only read but also implement and make these small little changes in your home confined lives, because you are sure to reap great benefits. And well, you could thank us later!

So here's some supremely easy andhealthy to follow ways to cope with the Covid stress- 

1. Make and Follow a Routine

A well plannedday-to-day routine is extremely crucial at any point in time, but it is especially important to assiduously implement a well defined healthy life routine in order to cope with stress during such unprecedented times. While it is easy to be in your pyjamas all day round, you must understand that a lack of structure and routine would undoubtedly exacerbate yourfeelings of stress and anxiety, and that indeed is a daunting prospect to even think of. It is therefore important for you to maintain and follow a structured daily schedule, as that would keep you focussed and productive, hence diverting your thoughts, and allowing you to cope with stress during the pandemic. 

2. Get up Early & Exercise Regularly

Yes, you read that right! And this is your golden key to beat the unsolicited stress during the pandemic and to stay healthy. While this is the time when we can actually be inactive and work-shy, we must however refrain from indulging in such laziness, especially when our own health is at stake. 

It is therefore really important to regularly do some simple aerobic exercises and yoga which can be easily done in a limited space inside our homes. This would not only boost our overall immunity, but exercising also helps release endorphins within our bodies, and these endorphins play a crucial role in elevating our mood, thereby greatly helping us keep a positive attitude, and mitigating all our anxiety and depression, even midst our isolated home confinement andsocial distancing days. 

3. Don't Get Overwhelmed & Addicted to Social Media & Those Troublesome News

You may find yourself settling into a sedentary lifestyle that involves excessive use of social media, and your indefinitely long stretches of sitting in front of laptop, TV or phone screen. 

Herein it is pertinent to mention that we as humans have an innate desire to socialize, and while the home quarantine and self isolation has already left us disturbed, social media can therefore be extremely therapeutic as the virtual meetings which are our last resort, help us connect with our beloved friends and family members, but however on the other hand, the 24/7 exposure to those constantly distressing Covid-19 news is extremely harmful, and that in turn causes unfathomable fear and anxiety, and this anxiety would play a havoc on our already stressed lives, and would also impact our eating, sleeping habits and our overall health. 

It is therefore strongly advisable that you limit your time on social media, and be careful with what you watch, but that being said, do indulge in those frequent virtual meet-ups to stay in touch with your friends and family. 

4. Make Sure To Express Yourself 

The Corona Virus disease and the strict social distancing norms has indeed made it a Herculean task for us to cope with stress during the pandemic. It is true that we are no longer the same versions of ourselves as most of us are suffering from moderate to high levels of mood swings, losing our cool, raising our voice, and hence not acting like we would otherwise do. It is important to understand and acknowledge that these are testing times, and we are bound to react in such a manner, given the insurmountable trouble that we are dealing with. Such feelings of anger, anguish, loneliness, fear, and boredom are a completely normal reaction against the immeasurable stress that the Corona Virus disease has caused. 

However you should not bottle up your anger or emotions, especially at this fragile juncture. You must express yourself, and pour your heart out, be it by putting pen to paper, and enjoying some simple writing, prose or poetry, or trying your hand at sketching, painting, cooking, or even capturing little videos of yourself and your immediate family members as all these little activities are extremely curative, and it not only keeps us busy, but we truly accrue great joy and furthermore we get something interesting to look forward to everyday.

5. Follow aHealthy Diet and Good Hygiene Practises

Our high levels ofstress during the pandemic can lead us to binge eating, hence adversely impacting our overall health and metabolism. Please make sure to refrain from such stressful, emotional eating by identifying the major trigger factors that augment your stress and anxiety, and thereby keeping them all at an arms length. 

Gethealthy snackssuch as nuts and fresh fruits for all your hunger pangs, and steer clear from the urge of consuming excessive junk food, that would only aggravate your stress, making you feel bloated, while growing love handles and anxiety. A well balanced diet with good nutrition is therefore the key for regulating your mood and emotions. Furthermore, following good hygiene practises even midst the lockdown is really important in order to diminish the pressing stress levels. While it is extremely crucial for us to keep the floors and other object surfaces absolutely clean and sanitized, we must not forget that the same rule is applicable on us, and even though we are all sitting in the leisure of our house, but it is mandatory for us to bathe every day and to sincerely follow, maintain and practice a good personal hygiene routine to steer clear of the Covid stress.

It is important to note that only if you take good care of yourself, should you be equipped to help others, including your immediate family members as this epidemic has spared none, and has hit us all alike. We therefore need to stand and fight united in order to win this battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, and to give a wide berth to the social stress that comes along. 

How to stay healthy at home and how to make a daily routine are two more highly detailed blogs that you must give a thorough read, in case you really wish to overcome the scary Covid blues.

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