Social Media Management In Times Of Covid-19

Social Media Management In Times Of Covid-19

28 January, 2022lens7 min read

Social Media Management in Times of Covid-19

The world around us has changed a lot over the past two to three years, thanks to the unprecedented Covid-19. We are all facing something never experienced before and be it ourselves, our families, friends, teachers, colleagues or even social media marketers, we are all witnessing the problematic wrath together. 

In such difficult times, people end up looking towards each other and they try to find help from within their communities. Over the past few years, we are really grateful to have created such a strong community of individuals who make use of our social media management services, they read our blogs, use our social media management tools and also follow us on different social media channels. 


We firmly believe that it is really important that we all try to get through these tough challenges together, with each other. This is why we would like to share our thoughts with you because sometimes it's just nice to start up a conversation. Last week, our team at Rannkly took a little pause to retrospect. We halted our Rannkly queued posts because something that looked like a great and relevant post a few days back, now seemed redundant. We assembled together and discussed quite a lot about what this Covid-19 situation means for us at Rannkly and also for our colleagues, teammates and those who are closest to us - our clients and customers and we are still at the initial thinking stage, strategizing our Covid-19 action plan. 


Social media management holds such great importance in today's times but all these unexpected and unprecedented challenges are what we really need to overcome to successfully target our potential customers, who are now making the most use of social media as self isolation and lockdowns are annoying individuals with immense boredom. Social media has now become an extremely important channel for communicating with our friends and relatives and so brands need to work on their social media management strategies. 


But what would social media management look like, especially over the next few weeks and months is what we are still trying to figure out. We however sincerely hope that our thoughts shared below can help you and your business successfully overcome all the current and upcoming challenges in the Covid-19 times. 

1. Don't consider this as an opportunity

The first thing that we would like to mention is that Covid-19 is not a great marketing opportunity. Brands should not consider the COVID-19 pandemic as something that could be capitalized upon.But this is also not quite business like as usual because all the posts, online campaigns and the ads that you would run would need an additional layer of protection and empathy in the next few days and weeks. It is fine if you still continue to sell and market your business product or services because we understand how difficult it can be for businesses to sustain themselves and their teammates if they completely pause their operations but just avoid using Covid-19 as a platform for any kind of marketing or self promotion. 

2. Take a small pause and reconsider all your social media goals

If you have not done this, then now is the time to retrospect on all your existing plans and social media management strategies.A lot of your online campaigns and other pieces of content that you had initially planned could now be saved for some other time. We would suggest you rethink about your online content and strategize it as per the current times. Make sure to implement a robust social media management strategy and implement plans that should be tailor made as per the changing requirements of the consumers nowadays. Focus on the immediate needs of your online customers. 


This is a great time to carefully reflect on all your goals that you had planned for the next few months as all your business priorities need to change now. For example : All new customer acquisition plans might now deviate towards focusing on customer retention and after support.This is actually the time to look at the bigger picture and consider what exactly social media means for your business, especially in a time of immense global crisis. 


If you decide to withdraw some of your online campaigns and content and you then find yourself with spare time at hand that you would have otherwise utilized for content creation, analytics and promotion,so just let us remind you that this is a great time to strategize on some other tasks such as your overall social media management. 

3.Will your organization be able to help?

You would not want to put your brand in a conversation to which it doesn't belong. And well the harsh truth is that there is hardly any brand or business that would actually be able to directly relate to the Covid-19 conversations. But having that said, almost all businesses globally have been definitely impacted in some way or the other by the COVID-19 and your business could try and do some small things to help others including your own employees in these testing times. 


Rannkly was one of the first organizations that adopted the virtual work from home operations and we went remote since the very start. We don't know about the unforeseeable future but this was one of the best ways for us to feel secure as a company and also as individuals. 


We also strategized on how to help our employees adjust to remote working. We hosted a very engaging and friendly QnA session on remote working. Also while other organizations were cutting down on their ad budgets, we helped our clients sail through these tough and unpredictable times with our excellent social media management tool, that Rannkly truly is. 


4.Have clear communication with your customers

It is always preferable to over communicate instead of under communicating, especially in such times of immense crisis. If you have shut down your physical operations and your team is working remotely from home, and also this isn't impacting your business and customers so this is not something that you would like to ideally communicate. But in case your virtual remote working would have an impact on the customer service response time or in the delivery time then this definitely something worth sharing with your customers. 


Companies that are feeling the brunt of the Covid-19 crisis are making sure to have greater and frequent communications with their customers as a part of their social media management strategy. They are engaging a lot more with their audiences and you too should make sure to have regular interaction with your clients. You should preferably put out content that should be empathetic and it should focus only on conveying the important messages.


Also when it comes to deciding what to say whenever you decide to put out a message on your social media over the next few days or weeks, then remember that the details matter. You should make very short and concise but clear and relevant communication to avoid any sort of confusion and share your future work decisions and other crucial information well in time so that your customers get adequate time to react and act accordingly. 


If you find all this a bit confusing and overwhelming then you can definitely use Rannkly that is a powerful social media management tool. It offers the best social media management services and would take care of all your needs in such trying times of Covid. The key here is to assure all your customers that you are doing everything possible and are undertaking all effective measures for them and also for your company employees, that is something you need to compulsorily do.

5. Make sure to support and keep all your team informed

Our work would surely look quite different for all of us but we need to happily embrace this change and work hand in hand with our company and colleagues to ensure that we sail through successfully from this unhappy situation. You need to have constant and regular communication with your team and customers for this purpose. 


You must realize that it is really important to stay in close touch with everybody around including your colleagues and customers especially in such testing times of Covid-19 crisis and while it is unfortunately impossible to do so physically, you must still stay connected virtually. Make sure to have some goals and expectations around what your work would look like over the next few upcoming weeks or months. 

Also as all organizations have now adapted the new virtual working so productivity might not be the same anymore. It is thus important to let your employees and team know that how does your organization plan to deal with the drastic effects of Covid-19 and about their new work environment. 


Here atRannkly, our CEO and company directors share regular updates with us, keeping us all connected even in virtual mode. We have a temporary Slack channel along with our company's official WhatsApp group where all the teammates can chat and share all important news, updates, resources and can also offer their support to each other during these trying times. Also as a remote team, we are making the extra effort to stay connected with each other and we regularly get into impromptu chats and online get togethers as this is the new norm now. 


We would suggest you to undertake the same while also focusing on yoursocial media managementat this time as it is extremely important now to stay in touch with your audiences and customers and should you need any help with that then Rannkly is a wonderful social media management tool that is here to your aid. We provide the best social media management services and would be glad to assist you! 

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