7 SEO Tips 2022 From Our SEO Analyst, Vijay Sarki

7 SEO [2022 Updated] Tips By Our SEO Analyst- Vijay Sarki

11 July, 2022lens8 min read

7 SEO [2022 Updated] Tips By Our SEO Analyst- Vijay Sarki

“It's right to say that ‘small things matter’ because the small KEYWORDS hold the weight of ranking of the websites of millionaire businesses.”

(Vijay Sarki)


Every content written online has a purpose to solve. APurpose,that can be either visibility for entertainment, visibility to get paid, or visibility to build theonline reputationof the business!! Similarly, the purpose of writing this blog is to help our readers to optimize their written content in such a way that they can attract a huge audience to the written information of their business platform. But if the entrepreneur is determined to increase the content visibility then he/she may have two questions in their mind:- 


  • How can I write an exclusively excellent content for my readers?
  • How can I make people land on my platform to see my creative words?


A collective answer for the questions is just ONE, i.e,Search Engine Optimization


When we raised both the questions in front of our SEO analyst, Vijay Sarki, we were able and happy to derive the top 7 tips to improve the online ranking of the business throughSEO. In a discussion of about 3 hours for 2 consecutive days, we were able to realize the importance of optimized content and Search Engine Optimization through the points emphasized by him. 

He told us that, from the experience he had in the past few years, he got to analyze that about98%of the customers use to search for the product or service online before actually making a decision to buy it. Here is the major play ofSEOwhere people search about the product using a specificSEO keyword or constructing a sentence including that keyword. And if your platform comes under the top 10 searches on the first page, then it can be considered a piece of good news for your platform because it contains the information that people are searching for.


But if it is not so, there is no need to worry. We are bringing a comprehensive detail of 7 amazing tips of SEO that will strategize your content building and deliver it to increase the number of clicks on your content platform and enhance the visibility of your brand or business. Let us first build a clear understanding of what SEO means.





It is a short form used forSearch Engine Optimizationwhere the user can increase the visibility of their content (website, blogs, social media, etc) through technical methods and organickeyword research. More visibility will bring more probability of conversion and funnel down the leads and customers who want to opt for our services and products.

As we have got a bit of knowledge of SEO and how it is creating a new space in the digital as well as the business world, now let us move forward on the 7 superior ideas suggested by our SEO analyst and understand them a little deeper.  


#1 SCALING REVIEWS (by quantity and quality)

Online reviews
Reviews today are not just acting as a bare piece of information that states the experience of so-n-so people by using so-n-so products. They constitute the ability to build the brand reputation by influencing the decision-making capability of a new visitor. Today, people do not call their friends and relatives before buying a product, they simply scroll throughnnumber of websites and check the reviews written by the people who have actually experienced the services offered by the company.


Rannkly is also one such platform that is working in the same direction to provide highly efficient features and services that can manage theOnline Reputationof the brands. Its AI-driven tools can manage, monitor, respond and even help to generate reviews as simple as selling hotcakes!!


It is always good to have more and more reviewsbecause it plays two important roles as protagonists in your business management. First, it gives credibility to the product and service you are selling by displaying the real human experience in the form of words, images, and other graphics. Second, it optimizes the web search result by enhancing the online position of the business on Google.


Since reviews are handling the online reputation of the business, it becomes very crucial to increase the quantity of the reviews through some effective and easy features. There is aGenerate reviews'' option in the dashboard of Rannkly by which the user can easily email or SMS its genuine customers asking for writing a review. There are pre-formed templates of emails and SMS along with the desired review platform link that can be quickly sent to the customers once they access the product or service from any organization. 





Staying online and searching various stuff has become as common as breathing. 


People visit different websites and try to extract the information which is relevant to the topic they are searching for. But during their research, they always land on those websites for a long time that delivers the information fast, quick, and to the point. This is the reason why most of the website owners work for speed optimization of the website. If a website giveseasy navigation of its website then there is a possibility of about 96% of the viewers will land on that website very often. 


If there is a question of which page of the website must be optimized excessively then it is the “Contact us" page. A very genuine reason for such an act is that people after doing local SEO and landing on the desired platform will move to the “Contact us” page to ask for the services in detail. So, it must be created by keeping thekeyword researchranking in the mind. 



Though every business that wants to expand online is aware of Google My Business where it must create its profile to bring visibility to its business. But there are also other huge platforms where the business listing can create an impact on the sale of the business products. 


There are many small as well as big business listing platforms like Google my Business, Yelp, Bing, Angie’s list, local.com, etc. where listing the business can bring an avalanche of sales and website views. According to our SEO analyst, 45% of the people searching online today look for business listings of the organization before actually landing on their website to avail of the services. 


Important Note:- The information displayed on the local business directories must be completely authentic and accurate. If the business is listed on different platforms then information registered on all the platforms must be the same.




After doinglocal SEOand definitekeyword research, the writer can move to the next step of writing it by explaining the product thoroughly. All the website content must be completely based on theSEO keyword listthat comes under the product description. This can be understood with an example:-


If writing on social media, then the SEO keyword list will be as follow:-

  • Social media apps
  • Social media effects 
  • Social media advantages
  • Importance of social media
  • History of social media 




Along with the content, images with high quality and minimum loading time will also create an engaging effect on the viewer. Other than images, video has more impact results on website searches. So, the business can also go for uploading quality videos of the product on big platforms like Youtube.

 The content must be structured in such a way that it can target specific SEO keywords along with an awesome description of the product and service.




Once the business starts working to improve the ranking of its website on Google, they also have to keep the updated Algorithms in mind. Google keeps on updating its terms and policies so that more and more people can reach Google and use this platform to access various services. Some of the recent algorithm updates on Google are:-


  • Passage ranking update
  • About this result update
  • 100% mobile-first indexing update
  • Product review update
  • MUM update, etc.


Similarly, there are also different updates regarding the SEO or keyword research. So a business must keep itself well informed about the new updates so that it stays ahead of its competitors and ranks its website with new updates on Google. Some of the important SEO updates by google are:-


  • Link spam update
  • Google core update
  • Google page experience update, etc.




Other businesses in your industry are not only meant for rigorous competition but they are to build such a community that can grow together and support each other. Businesses that expand their horizon and connect with other service-providing businesses (either B2B or B2C), they not only learn from each other but also help themselves in Google keyword searches. And your question will be how?

This will be done throughCitations. 

The business can be linked with other businesses and mention their details on the platforms of other businesses in return for mentioning them on our platform can help in bringing visibility to the website. This is also one of the methods ofSearch Engine Optimization

Under citation, the business can easily mention their name, address, and phone number on a website that is not their own.



Since 2019, when Google introduced its new update on theMobile indexingof the website, it has broughtmobile-friendly websites to much more visibility. It was made compulsory for the website owners to make the website completely compatible with the mobile users so that there is more visibility on the website. And those websites which do not go with this update will be removed from Google.


So, this update demanded for much more optimization of the website so that it is accessible to the mobile users also. Along with this, the content was then started created according to the mobile version and its readers rather than desktop readers.SEO keyword listswere made according to the mobile readers who can see a small content at a time. So the keywords also have to be optimized according to the mobile viewers.


And this is how we ended our conversation with our SEO analyst who briefed us about the amazing and logical tips for website ranking through SEO. And we are also satisfied with his answer because methods of doing SEO other than this won’t be counted under organic one. Are you also using any of these methods while working on SEO? Comment down your experiences and ideas in the comment box. 

Feel free to read this blog on converting your website traffic into sales:-https://blog.rannkly.com/high-traffic-but-no-sales-opt-for-these-ideas-for-better-conversion

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